Friday, November 16, 2007

The most recent FISA bill is an affront to the rule of law that the founders of this great nation wanted to protect us from.

Our senators will be considering the most recent FISA bill and it is time to speak up and tell your senators to uphold the law and defend our Constitution. Two crucial principles regarding Warrantless spying on Americans are being considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee this week and they are.

1. Granting immunity to the phone companies that broke the law and handed over your phone and email records to the NSA.

2. Basket warrants or completely Warrantless searches which allows the government to sweep up information of a group of people. Say for instance that the NSA says that they want information on some members of the ACLU they could potentially spy on all members.

When the telecomm industry handed over your phone and email records to the NSA a while back they broke the law of the land. When, even the government tells you to break the law it is your duty to disobey that order. If you do not disobey that order you are liable to be prosecuted and punished, end of story.

The telecomm industry has plenty of lawyers on staff so they cannot claim ignorance of the law and should be held accountable and pay the price to succumbing to the wishes of our great potentate G W Bush.

On the second issue our Constitution was written to protect this nations citizens from unreasonable search and seizures. If the government doesn’t have evidence that you are breaking the law it has no right to spy on you.

If we allow this erosion of our rights to continue we will become a nation of slaves subservient to the wishes of the likes of George W and Dick “Tator” Cheney. Call, write, email your senators and tell them this is unacceptable and to stand down this rouge administration and stand up for the Constitution.

Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength and integrity.

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