Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Is it just me or does this upcoming presidential election looks more like a VEGAS sports booking parlor?

I watch a lot of political news shows like Tim Russert, Face the Nation, Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann, Joe Scarborough and some others that analyze news and politics. What I keep getting is that this is a football game and not an issue driven presidential election.

You can even bet on who will win the nomination and election there is an article on this at Slate.com.

This country is in dire need of a change in direction. The people need to take back the government from the well financed special interests and but the power back into the hands of the people.

CNN has a list of issues that they think will decide the election their issues are Abortion, Immigration, Iraq, same sex marriage, Social Security, Taxes, Health Care. Same sex marriage and Abortion, Why are these even on peoples minds when they decide a president.

Five of the seven issues above are important and I want to know where the candidates stand on issues that actually mean something. I am against abortion but I don’t feel I have the right to tell someone that they can’t have one after she has been raped or her life is in danger because of the pregnancy or for any other reason it is a personal choice issue.

Same sex marriage, who cares!!!! If Johnny wants to marry Todd, or Ruth wants to be with Anne what business is that of mine. As long as Johnny and Todd are 18 it is none of my business what they do as long as it does not interfere with my rights.

I want to know where they stand on creating and independent ethics commission to investigate congressional & presidential ethics misconduct.

I want to know where they stand on banning registered lobbyists form giving gifts to members of congress and their staffs.

I want to know where they stand on public financing of all elections and spending limits on campaigns.

I want to know where they stand on restoring our constitutional rights and from further degrading our individual rights.

I want to know where they stand on torture and indefinite detention.

I want to know where they stand on limiting corporate media ownership.

I want to know where they stand on American imperialism and reducing our military presence around the world.

I want to know where they stand on bringing back jobs to America.

I want to know where they stand on the President misleading and out right lying to the American people to get us into an illegal and unnecessary war.

I want to know where they stand on NAFTA, CAFTA, and all these other trade agreements that cause Americans to lose their jobs.

It is time we become agitators and demand Congress to do the will of the people and not the will of the highest bidder. America needs the courage to stand up and be counted now as in no other time in our history.

Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity.

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