Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Let’s get back to issues

The last several days are a good example of how to divide your base and let another rightwingnut win the presidency.

Alright children let’s put an end to name calling and who said what to whom. Let’s get back to issues. Tell us specifically what you are going to do for the USA and at least an outline of how you will accomplish it.

Granted both Clinton, Obama, and Edwards have voted for Bush’s war money you all screwed up big time ok!!! Both Clinton and Obama have ties to big money, OK how are we going to end the strangle hold that big money special interests have on our country??

How are going to restore constitutional checks and balances to restore the balance to the three co-equal branches of our government, so that we don’t repeat the mistake of letting a complete moron of a president lead America into another endless war??

How will you end partisan politics in your appointments so that we don’t have another unqualified jerk hired because he kissed enough A$$ “Heck of a job Brownie” when the next Katrina happens?

How will you end big media control of information going out to the American people??

What will you do to restore our foreign policy so that we don’t create more enemies than we can possibly kill in a lifetime?

What will you do to restore American jobs and end the huge deficit that has been created by these mindless war profiteering thugs in power now??

Quit the name calling and get back to the issues so that we don’t have to endure another 4 years of a Ghouliani, Huckabuck, or a sneering McCain or poster boy Romney.

Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity.

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