Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Dick “Head” Cheney tells Amerika to F#ck OFF

Dick “Head” Cheney tells Amerika to F#(k OFF


Four thousand dead American soldiers, thousands more wounded, thousands more will suffer post traumatic stress for the rest of their lives. Millions of Iraqi’s displaced hundreds of thousands killed, or maimed for life.

The U S Military at its breaking point, the country bankrupt, jobs evacuating this country like rats off a sinking ship, real adversaries becoming stronger and Americas strength is oozing out like blood from a severed artery.

Corporations are making obscene profits and paying its CEO hundreds of times what the average worker makes, from the blood of our troops. International cooperation and opinion of America is at an all time low.

Civil liberties abused or removed from our constitution. We have an administration that meets in secret back rooms and only listens to its corporate pal’s covers its tracks by deleting emails that by law are public records.

Sunday on ABC, white house correspondent Martha Raddatz asked Dick to respond to the statement that “two-thirds of Americans say it’s not worth fighting”

Dick said “So”

Let me translate for you.

F**K YOU America!!!!!!

Where is the outrage? For the past 15 months the Democrats have had the power to pull the purse strings and end the occupation of Iraq. We know these guys have committed impeachable offences. Why are these SOB’s still in office and out of jail??

Thomas Jefferson with eloquent simplicity wrote, "A democratic society depends upon an informed and educated and involved citizenry."

So everybody either get informed, educate yourself (because corporate media doesn’t cut it anymore) and get involved. Our democracy depends on it!!!!

Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity.

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