Friday, May 16, 2008

George Bush can’t even spell appeasement

It seems that the sorry excuse of a president, George W can go over to Israel and label democrats as in favor of appeasement of terrorists. For the first time, I somewhat agree with the Neanderthal in the White House.

The Democrats are guilty of appeasing the terrorist Neo-Convicts who have all but worn out our armed forces, bankrupted the country, and has all but shredded the Constitution in frenzy of eroding the rights of every citizen of the United States.
The president said:
“Some seem to believe we should negotiate with terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along,” said Bush, in what White House aides privately acknowledged was a reference to calls by Obama and other Democrats for the U.S. president to sit down for talks with leaders like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
“We have heard this foolish delusion before,” Bush said in remarks to the Israeli Knesset. “As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American Senator declared: ‘Lord, if only I could have talked to Hitler, all of this might have been avoided.’ We have an obligation to call this what it is — the false comfort of appeasement, which has been repeatedly discredited by history.”
The Neo-Convicts are trying to hold onto power by fear mongering again. The Vote for us or die tactics are falling short of the success though. Even the conglomerate news media is attacking this logic. McCain is already fear mongering labeling Obama as the Hamas candidate of choice. I can’t wait for all the crap we will get from the Faux News channel and the Ditto Head himself.
Obama responded immediately and said “It is sad that President Bush would use a speech to the Knesset on the 60th anniversary of Israel’s independence to launch a false political attack,” Obama said in the statement his aides distributed. “George Bush knows that I have never supported engagement with terrorists, and the president’s extraordinary politicization of foreign policy and the politics of fear do nothing to secure the American people or our stalwart ally Israel.”
All of the Glenn Beck’s, Bill O’Reilly’s, Rush Limbaugh’s, Sean Hannity’s, Kevin James and Ann Coultergeist’s of the neo-convicts will fear monger and try to sway your vote to the side of fascism.
Fortunately there is some sanity not Hannity on some of the networks. On Hardball with Chris Matthews he took the Neo-Convict radio talk host Kevin James to the mat when he appeared on Hardball to give the Obama is an appeaser side of the story.
Kevin James showed that he is just a parrot and repeats neo-convict talking points without understanding the words coming out of his mouth. He actually had no idea of what the actual appeasement of Neville Chamberlain to Nazi Germany was. He started pumping up his volume and tried to change the subject but Matthews was relentless and in the end James finally admits he doesn’t have a clue and was just as Rush would say dittoing the president who quite frankly probably didn’t know what Chamberlain did to appease the Nazi’s either.

Here is a history lesson for the dunder heads who parrot the likes of Bush and his other neo-convicts on history. This is the very short version and any Library has books on this and many other facts that this administration seems not to get.

Here goes, the Nazi’s were behind the assassination of the Chancellor of Austria, Engelbert Dollfuss and pressured for the annexation of Austria which England and France agreed to. The second crisis came over the Sudetenland area of Czechoslovakia, which was home to a large German minority. The Munich Agreement, engineered by the French and British governments, effectively allowed Adolf Hitler to annex the country's defensive frontier, leaving its industrial and economic core within a day's reach of the Wehrmacht. In March of 1939 Hitler invaded Poland then swallowed the rest of Czechoslovakia and WWII began.

If you are a talk show host and you start talking history you should at least know of what you speak I say Kevin James is the Neo-Dick of the week.

Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity.

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