Friday, July 11, 2008

My open letter to Obama

With friends like these who needs enemies? Senator Obama have you been taken over by the body snatcher pod of Bill Clinton.

As the candidate of change, you caved in on stopping the assault on the constitution. Looks like the same ole $#!T to me. Democrats afraid to look weak on national security.

Senator Obama when I saw your first speech on TV I was inspired. I thought here is a man who will take on the corrupt system and restore the rule of law. I don’t want to have to vote for the least worst candidate again.

Senator Obama, you voted for a FISA bill that'll make it difficult to hold the Bush administration responsible for its illegal wiretapping program.
Though champions of the constitution like Senators Dodd and Feingold stood strong, you failed the constitution and voted for the faulty bill.

Senator Obama will you show that nobody is above the law and come out now and promise to hold the administration accountable if you win? Will you commit to a full investigation if you become President?

True patriots have worked tirelessly over the last few years to put an end to warrantless wiretapping and demand accountability for those who have broken the law and violated the Constitution. Together we've held vigils and sent hundreds of thousands of messages to Congress. In the last few weeks alone, Patriots made thousands of phone calls to the Senate—and the Obama campaign.

Your vote Senator Obama is a real disappointment. The bill passed will make it harder to hold the Bush administration accountable. The "telecom immunity" clause basically blocks ongoing lawsuits against the telephone companies that carried out the administration's illegal wiretapping program. Those lawsuits were one of our best hopes for finding out what actually happened.

Americans who love their liberty want those who violate the Constitution to see dire consequences; that's a core American value and a winning position for the election. This along with your strong stands on healthcare, the energy crisis and ending the war can help you win in November.

It's not too late for you Senator Obama, to promise full accountability if you become president. There are still other avenues, from independent investigations to the Inspector General's office. The question is, will you Senator Obama commit to using these other avenues?

This fight is so important because it strikes at the heart of accountability in our democracy. No president should be able to willfully break the law, and then count on his successor to simply ignore any wrongdoing.

Letting the Bush administration completely off the hook would send a signal to future presidents that they can do whatever they please, without consequence. In this country, no person and certainly no president should be above the law.

Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity.

Write your own letter and send it here.

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