Thursday, September 11, 2008

Obama Fight Back Pleeeeease.!!!!!

They are swiftboating Obama and if he and Biden don't stop using the rope a dope tactic like Mohammed Ali did to wear-out his opponents, they will get KO’d just like Kerry and they will be left in November scratching their heads and saying, are the American people really that blind.

Well the fact is more than half of them never vote at all so at least half of the American people don’t even care about our country.

Of the people that vote almost half voted for Bush twice so about three quarters of the American people are completely out of touch with reality and if you put lipstick on a pig they will elect it vice president.

McCain the war hero is acting like coward hiding behind his spin doctors. He continually attacks Obama with half truths, out of context quotes, and outright lies. McCain can’t run on his own record, he must run from it.

The phony indignation the Republicans are faking, the newest ads that McCain has put out for the mass media. Chris Matthews had some Republican senators and congressmen on asking direct questions did they believe that Obama was actually calling Paulin a pig with lipstick and every last one started dancing like Sugar Ray Leonard did to Roberto Duran and did not directly answer the question.

Well Mr. McCain himself has used this phrase several times during the campaign as well as many other prominent Republicans have used the same phrase as was shown on Matthews show.

Both sides have declared a truce to commemorate the attacks on September 11, 2001 but McCain keeps up the cheap shots up to the last minute.

He released a TV ad saying Obama Favored “comprehensive sex education” for Kindergartners which is another line of crap what Obama favors is teaching children about inappropriate touching like the kind that happens when a child is molested by someone he or she trusts like their priest, or minister or congressman.

Now this ad refers to legislation Obama voted for, but did not sponsor in the Illinois Senate that allowed school boards to develop “age-appropriate” sex education courses at all levels, kindergarten teachers were given the approval to teach about appropriated and inappropriate touching to combat molestation. So what is McCain saying that McCain wants to protect the child molester.
Another McCain ad pins the swirl of Internet rumors about McCain's running mate to the Obama campaign. The reference to a mini-army was drawn from a Wall Street Journal column by conservative John Fund. A spokesman for the Democratic National Committee said yesterday that neither it nor the Obama campaign had any researchers or lawyers in Alaska.

Obama did fight back and say "We've got an energy crisis, we have an education system that is not working for too many of our children and making us less competitive. We have an economy that is creating hardship for families all across America. We've got two wars going on, veterans coming home not being cared for, and this is what they want to talk about."

Obama aides say the assaults will not work but I disagree, the untrue fabricated assaults on Kerry in the 2004 election where his downfall. Obama’s running mate Senator Joe Biden denounced the negativity pointing out that Bush smeared McCain in his 2000 race for the presidency and said "What really disappoints me is the very tactics used against him, they're trying to use against Barack Obama now," he said. "It's literally saddening. I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it. But I guess I should learn to expect everything."

Senator Obama you don’t even have to lie or tell half truths to hit back, their record speak for itself. McCain is no Einstein, finishing 5th from the bottom of his class from the U.S. Naval Academy. Out of 899 he finished 894.
He had extramarital affairs, in which he accepted the blame. He associated and was involved in the Keating Five scandal and was rebuked for his role by the Senate Ethics Committee.

McCain long ago made clear that the American economy is not his strong suit. In November 2005, McCain acknowledged: "I'm going to be honest: I know a lot less about economics than I do about military and foreign policy issues. I still need to be educated."

Two years later, McCain admitted making little progress in grasping Economics. As the Boston Globe reported in December 2007, economic policy is "a subject on which McCain has said he feels he is unknowledgeable and that filling the void would be a priority when selecting a vice-presidential nominee." To address this glaring shortfall, Republican presidential nominee claimed he had turned to the equivalent of Economics for Dummies:

"The issue of economics is not something I've understood as well as I should. I've got Greenspan's book." Given the recent housing market meltdown, the forced bail out of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the hysteria gripping Wall Street and the global financial system. Americans should be concerned about the identity of McCain's mentor. After all, Greenspan played a critical role in bringing the United States to the brink of economic disaster.

In 1997 McCain was the chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee and he accepted funds from corporations and businesses under the committee’s purview. He voted against Bush’s tax cuts for the rich but has since recanted and votes for permanent tax breaks while the country has a massive deficit because of the war in Iraq and Bush’s spending orgy.

So Senator Obama if you want to be president, don’t bring a knife to a gun fight, don’t jump into an ass kicking contest with one leg, hit back and hit hard because these lies will bury your chances of being president, and stick us with John McCainiac and his pit bull with lipstick, at a time when this country needs smart intelligent leadership. You must lead us out of the hole that the Bush / Cheney administration and their Republican rubber stamp congress has put us into.

Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity.

1 comment:

astranavigo said...

Michael, I'm still convinced Paul has the best course of action - but he has no chance at all, and will likely fade into political-history with some grace (unlike a lot of his opponents), and his record will be a huge "I-told-you-so".

Obama is far from the ideal candidate - but he's the only one with a chance of stopping McCain and Palin, which are the Greater of Two Weevils....

Oh, what to do?