Thursday, January 21, 2010

Well boys and girls we are now AmeriKa the land of the bought and paid for…

The Supreme Court has just announced its decision in Citizens United v. FEC and they gave corporations the same political speech rights as you and I. In a narrow 5-4 decision, the Roberts Court overturned the 60-year-old ban on corporate spending in elections.

Now Corporate America has the Courts approval to use its immense wealth to buy elected officials Republican or Democrat. The court’s decision in Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission struck down 60 years of legal precedent prohibiting corporations from making campaign expenditures to attack or support political candidates.

The curt ruled that the First Amendment which was designed to protect the speech of you and I the real live humans, now protects the for-profit corporations the right to influence elections.

Talk about shredding the Constitution and giving the middle finger to the founders of this great nation. Public Citizen has a video on what can be done in response to the Supreme Court’s decision.

Go to this link because we must fight back. This is not about the Political Left vs. Right this is about the fight between the Top & Bottom People vs. corporations so if you think you’re part of the bottom you better take some action.

With this ruling corporations can pour huge amounts of cash into political campaigns and anyone who may challenge the corporate agenda will be buried under the almost unlimited amount of corporate campaign cash.

This just isn’t right and we must defeat this ruling with a constitutional amendment amendment re-establishing that First Amendment protections (except for freedom of the press) do not apply to for-profit corporations.

Fight back and go to this link and take action.

Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity.

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