Monday, February 22, 2010

Let's form a Red, White, and Blue Party

Let's form a Red, White, and Blue Party

By Michael Chavers

There is a lot of trash talk from the Right and Left sides these days from the liberal blogs to the Glenn Limbaugh's radio show. The problem with politics in America today is that there is the Red party and the Blue party but there doesn't seem to be a Red, White, and Blue party.

The Republicans want to embrace the Tea Party, and both seem to want a strong military, but don't want to finance it; they don't like social programs like Medicare, but readily accept their Medicare benefits; they don't like the federal bailout of our financial markets, but would be angry if the government did nothing and their investments and retirements went down the drain; they want strong border controls, but again don't want to pay for it.

The left, who believes that they are entitled to and can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury, will vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits, are in for a serious shot of reality shortly.

We all need to become Americans again and pull together and face reality. We can't ignore our healthcare crisis, we cannot be the world's policeman any longer, we can't allow big banks to become too big to fail, we need strong border controls and we need to go back to the core principles that this country was founded on.

Right wingers trash the left and the left trashes the right. Most Americans hate this and want real answers, and not what politicians think we want to hear so they can get elected.

We need to quit trashing each other. We need to defend the constitution and individual freedoms, we need fair elections, we need to fumigate Washington and end the endless flood of cash to the politicians who are ruining our country. We need to regulate our financial markets so that they do not become too big to fail. If not we will become a shadow of our former greatness and ruin our grandchildrens' future.

Peace, Liberty, and Prosperity through intelligence, strength, and integrity.

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