Thursday, July 22, 2010
Mike Chavers for President 2012
The Mike Chavers for president agenda:
No matter if you’re a Democrat or Republican, or as we should now group them together and call them Republicrats, term via my buddy Red L.
I will veto any bill that is not funded, deficit spending needs to stop. I will tell congress to stop this by passing a pay as you go law.
I will reduce spending by canceling the escalation in Dumbfuckistan declare victory and leave.
I will declare victory in Iraq and leave.
If I order troops to another country for more than 90 days I will get a declaration of war from congress.
I will see to it that congress repeals the patriot act and restores the FISA law to what it was before W shredded the constitution.
I will tell any country that harbors terrorists that we will find and kill those countries leaders and their families.
I will close at least half of the military bases around the world.
I will double the space program and keep the shuttle or some other transport controlled by America so that no one will control the high ground of space but America.
I will tell congress to stop this fiat monetary system and go back to the gold standard.
I will end the Federal Reserve.
I will have congress end the Monopoly that the drug companies have on their products so Americans will be able to afford life saving medications.
I will have congress repeal NAFTA, CAFTA, and any other trade agreement that causes American Industries to ship American jobs overseas.
I will have congress end all corporate loopholes for tax evasion. No more Cayman Island mailboxes for corporate headquarters
I will have congress can end all subsidies to oil companies and any other industry. The only subsidies that should be in place are ones that are vital to our National Defense.
I will shift our dependency on oil by implementing and massive moon-shot like program to develop and manufacture, American made solar, wind, bio-fuel, wave based, nuclear and any other energy program that is based on renewable source.
I will have congress break up the big banks that nearly took us over the abyss in 2008 and restore the Glass-Stegall act.
I will have congress implement a national service draft that will either require at least 2 years of service to the military or some social agency in order to have the privilege of being an American.
If there is a war that requires a draft, everyone will serve so that it will be everyone’s skin in the game.
Every American that servers in this system will have VA type medical insurance privilege, or you can buy private health care with subsidies so that no American will die because they cannot afford a doctor or life saving drugs.
All money that is put into Social Security will stay for Social Security and not be used as general revenue.
Government will regulate and enforce the safety of any industry that can do harm to people or property or the environment.
I will stop illegal immigration by closing the boarders and enforce existing immigration law.
I will have congress enact stringent penalties on employers who hire illegal immigrants.
I will have congress put an independent ethics committee that has full power of investigation, and prosecution of corruption, of any public official.
I will have congress pass a law that anyone or thing, that advertises for or against a political issue will identify where the money is coming from in the ad.
Every dollar that comes in for a campaign will be identified where it is from available on the internet to anyone.
Every public official will be required to list on a publicly available internet site any lobbyist / fundraiser they spend time with under penalty of law for omit.
The government will operate with total transparency.
In conclusion everyone needs to start thinking what you’re for instead of against, because if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.
Change you can believe in.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
The Federal Reserve, Zombie Banks, and Other Monsters We Need to Kill
The Federal Reserve System - is the central banking system of the United States. This system was conceived by several of the world's leading bankers in 1910 and enacted in 1913, with the passing of the Federal Reserve Act. The passing of the Federal Reserve Act was largely a response to prior financial panics and bank runs, the most severe of which being the Panic of 1907.
A zombie bank - is a financial institution that has an economic net worth less than zero but continues to operate because its ability to repay its debts is shored up by implicit or explicit government credit support.
Well apparently to Bloomberg News has given us another reason to get rid of the Federal Reserve. Lost in all the noise surrounding the “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” we have some news on financial reform. On March 19, Bloomberg won its lawsuit against the Federal Reserve for information that could expose which “too big to fail” banks in the United States are zombie banks not dead just merely rotting.
Bloomberg is fighting for transparency at both the Federal Reserve and the financial sector. So you think $700 billion for the (TARP) bailout bill passed with bipartisan support is a big deal? Well it is just small potatoes compared to the estimated $2 to $3 Trillion flowing from the printing presses out the back door of the Federal Reserve into the too big to fail banks to artificially prop up the financial system at the beginning of the economic collapse in September 2008.
In November 2008, Bloomberg filed a Freedom of Information Act request asking the Fed which of the failing institutions were receiving the money, how much, and what collateral was being used for these loans, based on the argument that when trillions of taxpayer dollars is being loaned out to failing institutions the taxpayer has a right to know the chances of being paid back.
When the fed thumbed its nose to the request, Bloomberg sued in Federal Court and won, but the Fed’s appealed. A three judge appellate panel dismissed the Fed’s argument and said that the public deserved answers.
Ben Bernake started his new term as Fed Chair after a rocky confirmation fight and pledged openness and transparency. He was quoted saying. "It is essential that the public have the information it needs to understand and be assured of the integrity of all our operations, including all aspects of our balance sheet and our financial controls,"
The law says that the Fed is only to take investment grade assets as collateral. Is the Fed stonewalling to hide the fact that it broke the law by accepting the toxic assets of these institutions as collateral?
Or is the Fed hiding the secret assistance it provided to these failing institutions because it would surface how many of these Wall Street institutions really are zombie banks, kept alive only by accounting tricks.
We the people deserve answers, this money does not belong to the Fed’s it is the people’s money and we have a right to know where more than $2 trillion of the people’s money has gone.
Mr. President you and Mr. Bernanke must live up to your pledges of transparency. Abandon your lawsuit and open the doors and the books on the Federal Reserve.
Peace, liberty, and Prosperity through intelligence, strength, and integrity.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Let's form a Red, White, and Blue Party
Let's form a Red, White, and Blue Party
By Michael Chavers
There is a lot of trash talk from the Right and Left sides these days from the liberal blogs to the Glenn Limbaugh's radio show. The problem with politics in America today is that there is the Red party and the Blue party but there doesn't seem to be a Red, White, and Blue party.
The Republicans want to embrace the Tea Party, and both seem to want a strong military, but don't want to finance it; they don't like social programs like Medicare, but readily accept their Medicare benefits; they don't like the federal bailout of our financial markets, but would be angry if the government did nothing and their investments and retirements went down the drain; they want strong border controls, but again don't want to pay for it.
The left, who believes that they are entitled to and can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury, will vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits, are in for a serious shot of reality shortly.
We all need to become Americans again and pull together and face reality. We can't ignore our healthcare crisis, we cannot be the world's policeman any longer, we can't allow big banks to become too big to fail, we need strong border controls and we need to go back to the core principles that this country was founded on.
Right wingers trash the left and the left trashes the right. Most Americans hate this and want real answers, and not what politicians think we want to hear so they can get elected.
We need to quit trashing each other. We need to defend the constitution and individual freedoms, we need fair elections, we need to fumigate Washington and end the endless flood of cash to the politicians who are ruining our country. We need to regulate our financial markets so that they do not become too big to fail. If not we will become a shadow of our former greatness and ruin our grandchildrens' future.
Peace, Liberty, and Prosperity through intelligence, strength, and integrity.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
The Best Way to House the Haitian Earthquake Refugees
We have a humanitarian disaster bigger than the one already occurring on the ground in Haiti. When the rainy season comes, with all the tropical storms and hurricanes that come plowing through this area every summer, we can count on a disaster that could dwarf the death toll from this earthquake.
A major hurricane, could strike hundreds of thousands of people with little or no shelter. One of the quickest solutions and one that would be very cost effective would be to use the steel waterproof shipping containers cargo ships use to deliver goods to the world.
Now the U.S.A. with all its good intentions tends to get all bogged down and the logic gets all mixed up and complicated in offering aid. With Katrina for instance, we built thousands of formaldehyde poisoned 234 sq ft trailers, that while FEMA flat out refuses to say how much the government paid but reliable estimates by the New York Times & others place the cost at over $60,000 each.
Because the United States has a huge trade deficit the U.S. imports estimated 9 million units a year and exports only 6 million. The leftover shipping containers are being left in U.S. harbors because it is cheaper for the steamship lines to leave empty containers at American ports than to pay the freight to ship them back to their ports of origin.
These containers are waterproof and weather tight they can be stacked because of their uniform dimensions and several companies have developed designs for offices for construction sites and emergency shelter. These containers would be safer and more secure than the homes that most Haitians were living in before the quake.
Why bring in tents, let’s get a relief project right this time and use the right material. These containers are built to stack and with stand the storms of the open ocean. I think these a logical approach to the rebuilding of Haiti.
Go to these web sites and see the uses to shipping containers.
Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Well boys and girls we are now AmeriKa the land of the bought and paid for…
The Supreme Court has just announced its decision in Citizens United v. FEC and they gave corporations the same political speech rights as you and I. In a narrow 5-4 decision, the Roberts Court overturned the 60-year-old ban on corporate spending in elections.
Now Corporate America has the Courts approval to use its immense wealth to buy elected officials Republican or Democrat. The court’s decision in Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission struck down 60 years of legal precedent prohibiting corporations from making campaign expenditures to attack or support political candidates.
The curt ruled that the First Amendment which was designed to protect the speech of you and I the real live humans, now protects the for-profit corporations the right to influence elections.
Talk about shredding the Constitution and giving the middle finger to the founders of this great nation. Public Citizen has a video on what can be done in response to the Supreme Court’s decision.
Go to this link because we must fight back. This is not about the Political Left vs. Right this is about the fight between the Top & Bottom People vs. corporations so if you think you’re part of the bottom you better take some action.
With this ruling corporations can pour huge amounts of cash into political campaigns and anyone who may challenge the corporate agenda will be buried under the almost unlimited amount of corporate campaign cash.
This just isn’t right and we must defeat this ruling with a constitutional amendment amendment re-establishing that First Amendment protections (except for freedom of the press) do not apply to for-profit corporations.
Fight back and go to this link and take action.
Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Screw you Mr. Potter... And BoA Too!
January 7, 2010
Screw you Mr. Potter... And BoA Too!
By Michael Chavers
"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore" was the anthem in the 1976 film Network. I'm going to make this my anthem and do something to take my two cents out of the coffers of the to big to fail bankers we just bailed out who have controlled the financial policies of this country since the Reagan years.
I have for the last several years have tried to buy local, from non-corporate entities, shopping at the chains when it was my last option. Where I failed to do this though was through my banking.
Well that's over now. What has driven me to write this was over Christmas I needed to buy some booze for a party I was giving and I had left my debit card home to try and keep from overspending. Well since booze is essential for my existence and that of my friends I needed to use my credit card.
I figured that I was close to the limit so before I left work that Friday I made a credit card payment on my Bank AmeriKa Visa from my Bank of AmeriKa debit account for a hundred dollars to avoid the hefty over limit fee the banks charge now.
Purchase approved mission accomplished. Well I looked at my Bank of America account Saturday and I see no record of the payment I made. My purchases where close to the limit but not over so I figured I must not have hit the confirm payment when I put the money into my credit card account.
Well I make a $25 dollar payment just to keep a few dollars on the card and decide I should do that too on my other credit cards figuring I have a hundred dollars to use that had not been taken from my checking account.
Well come Monday I look at my account and there goes the $100 bucks to Bank of America and payments for all my other credit cards which puts me in the red for about $64. Then on Tuesday I get 3 $35 dollar overdraft charges for payments I made on my credit cards and an $18 purchase.
Well I go into my closest Bank of America and sign the list to wait for several minutes to speak to a banker who tells me that it is my fault that the payment didn't post until Monday because they only post on business days. I tell him that my other cards take payments made before 3pm post the same day and after 3pm to the next. Then the banker tells me that that is not how Bank of AmeriKa does it and since it is my fault I am going to get charged with 3 $35 dollar over draft charges case closed.
Now so far I am out $110 dollars and 2 hours time. I'm mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore.
This is a call to action and this really makes sense. You can kick your big banker in the place that really hurts their purse. Suze Orman thinks that the banks are screwing its customers and has suggested a back to cash movement. I think that is a great idea she has a web site and a movement has been started.
Even better than this we all should go even further and this is what I will be doing this week. I am going to close my Bank of AmeriKa accounts and move all my money into a local FDIC insured bank like the one we all probably saw Jimmy Stewart run in the Christmas movie It's A Wonderful Life.
If enough people do this we can make an impact. Check out these web sites and Viva la Revolution.
Screw you Mr. Potter
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