Thursday, February 14, 2008


Our Commander in Thief is rarely articulate unless the boogey man of terror pops his head out of the hole like a Whack-a-Mole game and scares the hell out of George.

Well the whacky terrorists are terrorizing George again, and George wants to protect us from the terrorists, who want to take away our freedoms by not leaving any freedoms to take away, therefore defeating the terrorists by making the USA a fascist state. Long live the king!!!!

George tells congress yesterday, that you better let him take charge of your constitutional protections against unreasonable search and seizure, because them folks over there are coming over here, and they hate your freedom so let’s just ignore this G#D@MN piece of paper and go getem. He actually said “terrorists are planning attacks on our country that will make September 11th pale by comparison.”

You know George, too bad you didn’t take the warning that the Clinton administration handed you, before September 11th 2001, when we had information got by legal means without dismembering the constitution.

Nobody questions the fact that al-Queda would like nothing more than another 9/11 so why don’t you invest more in guarding our nuclear & chemical facilities and do more to protect our ports. NOOOOOO you just want to deliver us from our constitutional protections against the likes of you and your cable of cretins.

We as Americans don’t want to trade away our hard-won civil liberties and there is nothing wrong with having judges decide what needs to be wiretapped when it involves Americans.

Ole Georgie boy wants to extend for six more years the broad eavesdropping powers that the fearful congress gave him last August. Which they legalized the illegal wiretapping that the administration had already been conducting for years on George’s say so. He would also grant amnesty to phone companies that broke the law in giving up this information.

It is a shame that the Senate including 19 of the new political party that was formed in 2006 called the Fraiddycrats, Democrats fearful of standing up to Bush and company.

Now let’s get it straight, when judicial oversight is reduced, government agencies spying inevitably extends beyond national security threats to political opponents, journalists, protesters and anybody that bothers Bush / Cheney so don’t just look at the empty suit that says trust me and I will keep you safe from terror.

It should be easy to scare even the right from passing this flawed legislation. It is more than likely that a Democrat will have the power to look at anyone without judicial revue. Get real scared boys because it might just be Hillary looking into your pageboy or restroom antics or maybe the bags of money hidden in secret locations that might be leaked over a loose phone conversation or email. YIKES!!! Everyone be afraid be very afraid. If I where you Monica I would get the hell out of Dodge and head to Katmandu.

Before the illegal wire tapping began all that was required was that if one end of the conversation was in the USA it required a warrant within 3 days from the special FISA court, which by the way approved more than 99% of all the applications applied for.

George warns us that if the righteous phone companies don’t get immunity, they’ll never cooperate again but the patriotic SOB’s will shut down your national security if you don’t pay the bill on time.

Bush says he will refuse to temporarily extend the current law, which expires on Saturday. I say let it die and get a warrant if you need to spy on someone in the USA. That’s what the founders would have wanted and I agree.

Remember a patriot and founder of this country once said “Those who would give up ESSENTIAL LIBERTY to purchase a little TEMPORARY SAFETY, deserve neither LIBERTY nor SAFETY.”

Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity.

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