Friday, February 8, 2008

The right wing smear machine says Obama is a Muslim so they must be right!!!

The right wing smear machine says Obama is a Muslim so they must be right!!!

My wife got a call from her son last night who told her that he would not support Barack Obama because he is a Muslim. WTF!!!!!! It amazes me how stupid the American public has become. Then again with the amount of people who tune into Rush O’Reilly, and Glenn Coultergeist and the like, really can’t be counted on to think for themselves.

Just to set the record straight when you hear a rumor about someone check it out. It is not hard just go on line and get the facts from several sources don’t just listen to Rush or Glenn and call it gospel. The rightwing nuts will lie, cheat, block people from voting and do anything to promote their crazy agenda.

He has been called a Muslim who attended a madrassa, he is accused of being a member of a church in Chicago that has a separatist doctrine that contradicts the basic tenets of Christianity, he has had to fend off baseless accusations of scandals, and the right mocks his name and his race.

The day after Obama announced his presidential exploratory committee the right wing website published an article that reported that Obama spent at least four years in a so Madrassa which is a Muslim seminary. You can read what they said here.

This is a lie and has been completely debunked by CNN, the AP and ABC but did it go away NOOOOOOOOO. The pudgy idiot Glenn Beck who often speaks when he should be listening or at least checking his facts reported that Obama attended a radical Muslim school.

Then as the discredited charges Obama’s association with the Islam began to fade the right began smearing the Christian Church in Chicago where Obama is a member. MSNBC own right winger Tucker Carlson during the Obameter segment on his show 2/07/07 criticized Obama for being a member of a church that Carlson claimed “sounds separatist to me and contradicts the basic tenets of Christianity”

The smear continued on the Hannity & Colmes opinion show on 2/28/07 with Hannity said that many call Trinity separatist and a cult. His guest Erik Rush from the WorldNetDaily said the church has a scary doctrine, something that you’d see in a cult or an Aryan Brethren Church. Rush even questioned Obama’s Christianity on the show.

Similar smears were directed at Obama’s church on the 4/05/07 broadcast of KSFO’s Sussman, Morgan and Vic when Morgan said Obama’s proud to belong to a church that their allegiance goes to Africa before it goes to America. This is a complete fabrication.

Here is a web site to the church you decide. There is no statement that a commitment to Africa supercedes the commitment to America. In fact Trinity's pastor, Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., responded to the attacks, saying: "The African-centered point of view does not assume superiority, nor does it assume separatism. It assumes Africans speaking for themselves as subjects in history, not objects in history."

Hate mongers like Debbie Schlussel argues because Obama’s middle name is Hussein and that his late father was of Muslim descent Obama’s loyalties must be called into question. Others like Lee Rodgers KSFO’s morning show Fox Hews contributor Juan Williams question Obama’s loyalty because his father was Muslim.

I can remember back in the sixties that the crazies back then called Kennedy’s loyalty into question because he was a catholic and would have to obey the pope.

Now to be absolutely clear, Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian who attends the United Church of Christ in Chicago. It is well documented that the Indonesian school Obama attended in Jakarta is a public secular school that is not and has never been a Madrassa.

So to all you swiftboaters out there not all Americans are the stupid goose stepping morons you think we are, and we do check your lies and we are not going to be swiftboated again.

Your reign of terror is about to end. Your tactics of fear mongering and lying to the American people is about to be repudiated and we are going to send you all back to hide under the rocks you slid out from back in 2000.

Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity.

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