Monday, February 4, 2008

If you promise me somthing show me how you pay for it too!!!

We have a looming fiscal crisis standing in the room like the proverbial 800 pound gorilla. Between Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and all the other entitlement programs, defense programs and interest paid to those nice Chinese bankers who lend us the money, takes up probably 90 percent of the budget.

Not one candidate is telling us what they will cut in order to balance the budget. Clinton and Obama are promising universal health care and McCain is promising an occupation he is prepared to continue for 100 years in Iraq. They both want to add on a stimulus package of approximately $150 billion. Can anybody say reality check show me the money!!!!!

Now with the Fed cutting interest rates from 4.25 percent to 3 percent recently, this has sent the dollar sinking in value again which means higher oil prices and higher prices for any imports which we are now addicted too.

Now the Democrats say they are committed to withdrawing from Iraq none say that they are not leaving a large force in Iraq that we Americans will be paying for with money that will have to come from future generations.

The republicans however say they are committed for 100 years. After 7 years of major conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq we have a major strategic crisis. It will get worse if new conflicts arise with Iran, Pakistan, North Korea, and even Russia seems ready to have a go with another possible arms race.

Our military is stretched so thin I am wondering as should all you voters out there who will fight these wars??? Romeys boys won’t be in the fray and neither of the Bush twins has volunteered.

Hell they want to invade Iran and we can’t even stop the invasion of the United States by barefoot Hispanics storming in from south of the boarder. What is to be done about illegal immigration. No one will tell us what the plans are because they are afraid to lose the Hispanic vote. By the way can anyone tell me where the heck Hispania is anyway. I am still trying to find Causicaia on a map.

What is to happen to the middle class? I don’t know about the rest of you out there I am a wage slave and every year since W has taken office my real earnings have taken a downward turn and is now spiraling out of control like a Japanese Zero who just encountered a P38 during WWII.

Now candidates I am listening, and I am waiting for someone to step up and tell me how we are going to fund Social Security, Medicare, finance foreign aid and defend nations like Iraq that refuse to make the sacrifices needed politically to defend themselves?

The only rays of hope I see are that we do have a couple of guys that are speaking either the truth or offering hope. Both men have integrity and the support of a growing youth movement. On the dems side we have Obama, who is the candidate of hope. On the other side of the isle we have Ron Paul who is giving us a triple finger shot of truth. The rest of the field offer nothing but more of the Same Ole S#!T.

The choice is yours America.

Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity.

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