Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Constitutional Issues

Constitutional Issues

Our Constitution is under assault by an administration that bases ideology before reason. They have taken the core values that had made America a beacon of freedom and justice throughout the world and have become no better than the people that we are at war with.

Before I vote for someone I would want to know where they stand on these issues.

What do you think of this current administrations power grab and do you plan to repudiate their attack on the U S Constitution and restore the rule of law?

Do you support the bipartisan National Security Letter Reform Act of 2007 bill S. 2088, which would narrow the types of records available without a court order and establishes a standard of individualized suspicion for issuing an NSL?

Do you support Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Detention Center Closure Act of 2007 S. 1469 which would to require all inmates to either be charged with crimes and be transferred to Ft Leavenworth or be transferred back to their home country?

Do you support the American Freedom Agenda Act of 2007 H.R. 3835, this bill would repeal the Military Commissions Act of 2006, and clarifies that no information if it is obtained by torture or coercion may be used as evidence?

Do you support FISA legislation that would repeal current warrentless wiretapping and electronic surveillance, to not allow blanket warrants to spy on large groups of people who have committed no crime, and which would require court approval to spy on individuals?

To do the right thing is not always the easiest way but it is always the right thing to do.

Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength and integrity

Monday, November 26, 2007

The barbarians are not at the gates they have taken over the city.

The barbarians are not at the gates they have taken over the city.

Our government has been high jacked by the big money interests. Now we had better find out how to take it back. With more wealth at the top tier of our society and less at the bottom we aren’t even getting the crumbs anymore.

A big key is to stop the revolving door that exists between business and government. We have progressed by passing tougher ethics laws earlier this year but they still do not go far enough.

We have a few candidates that are above this corruption like Ron Paul, Mike Gravel, and Dennis Kucinich but as much as I hate to say it they are not going to get elected. I like Obama, but he is surrounded by Wall Street and the D. C. insiders, so I am not sure about him. The only Clinton I want to see in the White House would be George Clinton (the roof is on fire let the muther F*%ker burn).

The fundamental issue of our time which is at the core of every other issue, whether it is Iraq, wages, health care, retirement security, trade, immigration, global warming is that powerful interests, particularly corporate interests, have literally taken over this government.

The only viable candidate that is not embracing these powerful interests so far is John Edwards. In his personal life he comes from humble roots and has some good ideas about solving some of this nations problems but I am not endorsing anyone yet. So in the upcoming 2008 elections the candidates only worth listening to will be the ones who will be willing to fix what is wrong in our government.

I want some answers on questions like.

Are you in favor of the Bipartisan Fair Elections Now Act S. 1285 which basically would favor the public financing of political campaigns in order to give voters more control over government, and make politicians accountable to constituents rather that campaign contributors??

Are you in favor of a law enacted to limit campaign spending in order to curb the escalating cost of running election campaigns??

If the candidates answer no to either of these questions, they are corporate pimps and not worthy to represent the citizens of this great nation.

If we do not force this issue in the coming elections and the coming years we will become nothing more than an Orwellian nation of slaves. Big Brother will be the massa and you will tow the line or wind up in a place like GITMO.

Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity.

Friday, November 16, 2007

The most recent FISA bill is an affront to the rule of law that the founders of this great nation wanted to protect us from.

Our senators will be considering the most recent FISA bill and it is time to speak up and tell your senators to uphold the law and defend our Constitution. Two crucial principles regarding Warrantless spying on Americans are being considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee this week and they are.

1. Granting immunity to the phone companies that broke the law and handed over your phone and email records to the NSA.

2. Basket warrants or completely Warrantless searches which allows the government to sweep up information of a group of people. Say for instance that the NSA says that they want information on some members of the ACLU they could potentially spy on all members.

When the telecomm industry handed over your phone and email records to the NSA a while back they broke the law of the land. When, even the government tells you to break the law it is your duty to disobey that order. If you do not disobey that order you are liable to be prosecuted and punished, end of story.

The telecomm industry has plenty of lawyers on staff so they cannot claim ignorance of the law and should be held accountable and pay the price to succumbing to the wishes of our great potentate G W Bush.

On the second issue our Constitution was written to protect this nations citizens from unreasonable search and seizures. If the government doesn’t have evidence that you are breaking the law it has no right to spy on you.

If we allow this erosion of our rights to continue we will become a nation of slaves subservient to the wishes of the likes of George W and Dick “Tator” Cheney. Call, write, email your senators and tell them this is unacceptable and to stand down this rouge administration and stand up for the Constitution.

Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength and integrity.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Support Dennis Kucinich’s impeachment resolution against vice president Cheney.

Support Dennis Kucinich’s impeachment resolution against vice president Cheney.

On November 6th 2007 Dennis Kucinich introduced H. Resolution 799 to impeach Vice President Dick Cheney on the floor of the House as a “question of Privilege”. The reason this is important is because the speaker of the house Ms Pelosi has said that “impeachment is off the table” and since she as Speaker set the legislative agenda it would never have come up. Now as a question of privilege it had to be referred to the judiciary Committee for consideration.

House Judiciary Chair John Conyers has himself supported impeachment of the vice president in the past but is waffling on the issue now. If he hears from a lot of Americans it is much more likely to result in impeachment hearings. It is extremely important to contact John Conyers and your representative and pressure them to begin the process of impeachment.

The need to get involved has never been so urgent. Complacency is very dangerous Bush / Cheney can still do untold damage to this country with their saber rattling at Iran and continued assaults on the Constitution it is important to keep these thugs occupied defending themselves rather than creating more mischief for future generations to pay for and repair.

My letter will read like this and feel free to use it or make one of your own.

Congressman Conyers

Vice President Cheney repeatedly lied to the nation about the potential threat of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, provoking the invasion and occupation of that country, with catastrophic results for our nation.

He continues to lie and distort intelligence regarding links between Iraq and al Qaeda; when such links simply did not exist before our invasion and he continues to threaten aggression against Iran, in violation of the United Nations charter and in a manner that destabilizes the region and harms our national security.

All of these actions certainly meet the constitutional test of high crimes and misdemeanors. So I ask that you begin H. Res. 799, Articles of Impeachment against Vice President Cheney.

Michael Chavers

Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity.

A truly courageous soldier Lt. Ehren Watada

Lt. Ehren Watada in June 2006 denounced this illegal occupation of Iraq and refused to deploy. He was tried for 2 specifications Conduct unbecoming of an officer and a gentleman (for statements made in speeches and interviews- Article 133) and 1 specification Missing Movement (for refusing to deploy to Iraq on June 22 2006 – Article 87). He could have been sentenced to up to 6 years in prison.

The point of this article is not the details of the trial which can be read on the following link.

I am writing to say this is how Americans should stand up and be counted. Lt Watada said he is not a conscientious objector because he is not opposed to all wars as a matter of principle. He is no coward either because he offered to serve in Afghanistan. Lt. Ehren Watada is a man of principle and he indeed took an oath when he enlisted into the United States Army. This is the oath he took.

I Ehren Watada, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear the faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President to the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

Lt. Watada believes as I do that the war that lead to the occupation of Iraq has violated the Constitution and War Powers Act which limits the president in his role as Commander in Chief from using the armed forces in any way he sees fit. It also violates the UN Charter, the Geneva Conventions, and the Nuremberg Principles which bar wars of aggression. It is therefore his duty to disobey the orders to occupy Iraq.

The Congress has failed our country and should pay the price during the next election for not stopping this cabal of cretins in the executive branch for leading us into the ruination of our armed services, our reputation in world opinion and the pillaging of our treasury to the war profiteers.

Our last defense against this madness may be the military. Over 10,000 soldiers have deserted since the Iraq invasion. Now the administration rattles their sabers at Iran and it is said that before his term is over that Bush will attack Iran. Top military commanders have said that this will not happen on their watch. I hope that they stick to their word and fulfill their oath to defend the constitution and disobey any illegal acts of aggression.

I urge all the men at arms to disobey illegal and immoral orders and take the consequences do not desert but have the courage to stand up and go to trial and let this country hear why this war is illegal. You will be supported by many of us Americans.

Maybe then some more of our lawmakers would have the courage to do what is right and end the occupation and repudiate what this present administration has done to our constitution and freedom.

Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity.