Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mike Chavers for President 2012

The Mike Chavers for president agenda:

No matter if you’re a Democrat or Republican, or as we should now group them together and call them Republicrats, term via my buddy Red L.

I will veto any bill that is not funded, deficit spending needs to stop. I will tell congress to stop this by passing a pay as you go law.

I will reduce spending by canceling the escalation in Dumbfuckistan declare victory and leave.

I will declare victory in Iraq and leave.

If I order troops to another country for more than 90 days I will get a declaration of war from congress.

I will see to it that congress repeals the patriot act and restores the FISA law to what it was before W shredded the constitution.

I will tell any country that harbors terrorists that we will find and kill those countries leaders and their families.

I will close at least half of the military bases around the world.

I will double the space program and keep the shuttle or some other transport controlled by America so that no one will control the high ground of space but America.

I will tell congress to stop this fiat monetary system and go back to the gold standard.

I will end the Federal Reserve.

I will have congress end the Monopoly that the drug companies have on their products so Americans will be able to afford life saving medications.

I will have congress repeal NAFTA, CAFTA, and any other trade agreement that causes American Industries to ship American jobs overseas.

I will have congress end all corporate loopholes for tax evasion. No more Cayman Island mailboxes for corporate headquarters

I will have congress can end all subsidies to oil companies and any other industry. The only subsidies that should be in place are ones that are vital to our National Defense.

I will shift our dependency on oil by implementing and massive moon-shot like program to develop and manufacture, American made solar, wind, bio-fuel, wave based, nuclear and any other energy program that is based on renewable source.

I will have congress break up the big banks that nearly took us over the abyss in 2008 and restore the Glass-Stegall act.

I will have congress implement a national service draft that will either require at least 2 years of service to the military or some social agency in order to have the privilege of being an American.

If there is a war that requires a draft, everyone will serve so that it will be everyone’s skin in the game.

Every American that servers in this system will have VA type medical insurance privilege, or you can buy private health care with subsidies so that no American will die because they cannot afford a doctor or life saving drugs.

All money that is put into Social Security will stay for Social Security and not be used as general revenue.

Government will regulate and enforce the safety of any industry that can do harm to people or property or the environment.

I will stop illegal immigration by closing the boarders and enforce existing immigration law.

I will have congress enact stringent penalties on employers who hire illegal immigrants.

I will have congress put an independent ethics committee that has full power of investigation, and prosecution of corruption, of any public official.

I will have congress pass a law that anyone or thing, that advertises for or against a political issue will identify where the money is coming from in the ad.

Every dollar that comes in for a campaign will be identified where it is from available on the internet to anyone.

Every public official will be required to list on a publicly available internet site any lobbyist / fundraiser they spend time with under penalty of law for omit.

The government will operate with total transparency.

In conclusion everyone needs to start thinking what you’re for instead of against, because if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.

Change you can believe in.