Friday, February 29, 2008

Real Ethics Reform.The most important issue of the century!!

The people spoke in 2006 that we wanted real change in Washington. What did we get? We got impeachment off the table, the realization that many democrats approved of torture, and are still rubber stamping the administrations assault on the constitution, including impeachment is off the table Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

This week there is a possibility that the foxes will have to give up guarding the hen house. That is if we put the pressure on them and make them accountable. This week congress is going to vote on a resolution (H. Res. 895). This law will for the first time ever institute, an independent Office of Congressional Ethics with the power to file and investigate ethic complaints. The independent panel’s reports will be made public, and new timelines and reporting requirements will stop the Ethics Committee from burying complaints for years without action.

It is important for every citizen that loves freedom to call their congressman and insist that they support this very important legislation.

As it stands now only members of Congress can file, investigate and judge ethics complaints against their colleagues. Guess what no complaints were filed for seven years even while indictments were flying like a swarm of locusts over a crop of ripe corn, and congressman like the Duke Cunningham were being hauled off to jail.

We must throw the foxes out of the hen house and hold these SOB’s accountable.

Call, email, write snail mail, and fax your congressman and tell them you expect them to make this the People’s House of Representatives by supporting (H. Res. 895). To find your congressman click on this link.

Remember, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever has.” -- Margaret Meade

Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity.

This is what I am emailing feel free to use or alter.

Congressman Young

The foxes have been guarding the hen house for too long. I strongly urge you to vote in favor of House Res. (H. Res. 895).

This law will for the first time ever institute, an independent Office of Congressional Ethics with the power to file and investigate ethic complaints. The independent panel’s reports will be made public, and new timelines and reporting requirements will stop the Ethics Committee from burying complaints for years without action.

The people want change we want a congress that is transparent and accountable. Any lawmaker that does not support this legislation will be held accountable at the polls in November.

Michael Chavers

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

OBAMA still isn’t a Muslim!!

“Not that there is anything wrong with that.”

I was on my gig on Saturday night playing the blues in a bar. The regular bunch of guys and dolls are in the audience and on the break somehow the talk turned to politics.

Low and behold I get from to reasonably normal and intelligent people to Ditto head dummies. From the Coultergeist calling Barack H. Obama “B Hussein Obama” to coworkers emailing Obama the Muslim pictures and stories linking him with al-Queda.


This is going to be one of the nastiest political campaigns in history I believe. I keep getting chain e-mails one claiming that Obama is a racist by virtue of belonging to Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ, the email goes on to say that this church only accept black parishioners.

False e-mail I received around the first of the year.

Subject: Obama's church

Obama mentioned his church during his appearance with Oprah. It's the Trinity Church of Christ. I found this interesting.

Obama's church:
Please read and go to this church's web site and read what is written there. It is very alarming.

Barack Obama is a member of this church and is running for President of the U.S. If you look at the first page of their web site, you will learn that this congregation has a non-negotiable commitment to Africa. No where is AMERICA even mentioned. Notice too, what color you will need to be if you should want to join Obama's church..._ B-L-A-C-K!!!_ doesn’t look like his choice of religion has improved much over his (former?) Muslim upbringing. Are you aware that Obama's middle name is Mohammed? Strip away his nice looks, the big smile and smooth talk and what do you get? Certainly a racist, as plainly defined by the stated position of his church! And possibly a covert worshiper of the Muslim faith, even today. This guy desires to rule over America while his loyalty is totally vested in a Black Africa!

I cannot believe this has not been all over the TV and newspapers. This is why it is so important to pass this message along to all of our family & friends. To think that Obama has even the slightest chance in the run for the presidency, is really scary.
Click on the link below:
This is the web page for the church Barack Obama belongs to:

WTF!!!! First of all Obama’s middle name is not Mohammed, it is Hussein. Now the facts about Obama’s Church. Trinity describes itself as “a congregation which is unashamedly black and unapologetically Christian and does not apologize for its African roots.”

The church specifies a commitment to Africa and to “Historical education of African people in Diaspora.” The congregation is overwhelmingly black, amazing that a church in a white or black neighborhood reflects the race of the neighborhood.

It has been established that Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ welcomes all races as written by a professor of theology at the University of Chicago Divinity School, Martin E. Marty. He recommends watching Trinity’s Sunday services, and challenges anyone to find anything cultic or sectarian about them. He also on occasion attends with his wife and said like all other non-blacks, are enthusiastically welcomed.

Even the right leaning stated that “Wherever we looked we found ample evidence that Obama’s church is pro-black, but we found none to support a claim that it is anti-white. Calling it racist is in our judgment a falsehood.”

This is another e-mail I was forwarded by a friend trying to convince me not to support Obama.

Who is Barack Obama?

Very interesting and something that should be considered in your choice.

If you do not ever forward anything else, please forward this to all your contacts...this is very scary to think of what lies ahead of us here in our own United States...better heed this and pray about it and share it.

We checked this out on "". It is factual. Check for yourself.

Who is Barack Obama?

Probable U. S. presidential candidate, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a black MUSLIM from Nyangoma-Kogel, Kenya and Ann Dunham, a white ATHEIST from Wichita, Kansas.

Obama's parents met at the University of Hawaii. When Obama was two years old, his parents divorced. Hi s father returned to Kenya. His mother then married Lolo Soetoro, a RADICAL Muslim from Indonesia.?
When Obama was 6 years old, the family relocate to Indonesia. Obama attended a MUSLIM school in Jakarta. He also spent two years in a Catholic school.

Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim.
He is quick to point out that, "He was once a Muslim, but that he also attended Catholic school."

Obama's political handlers are attempting to make it appear that
that he is not a radical.

Obama's introduction to Islam came via his father, and that this influence was temporary at best. In reality, the senior Obama returned to Kenya soon after the divorce, and never again had any direct influence over his son's education.

Lolo Soetoro, the second husband of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, introduced his stepson to Islam. Obama was enrolled in a Wahabi school in Jakarta.

Wahabism is the RADICAL teaching that is followed by the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad against the western world. Since it is politically expedient to be a CHRISTIAN when seeking major public office in the United States, Barack Hussein Obama has joined the United Church of Christ in an attempt to downplay his Muslim background. ALSO, keep in mind that when he was sworn into office he DID NOT use the Holy Bible, but instead the Koran.

Barack Hussein Obama will NOT recite the Pledge of Allegiance nor will he show any reverence for our flag. While others place their hands over their hearts, Obama turns his back to the flag and slouches.

Let us all remain alert concerning Obama's expected presidential candidacy.
The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the US from the inside out, what better way to start than at the highest level - through the President of the United States, one of their own!!!!

Please forward to everyone you know. Would you want this man leading our country?...... NOT ME!!!

This slime originated from a January 2007th Insight magazine article

Insight: Are the American people ready for an elected president who was educated in a Madrassa as a young boy and has not been forthcoming about his Muslim heritage?

This article, which cited only anonymous sources, claimed the Barack Obama spent 4 years in a so called madrassa in Indonesia. When CNN reporter John Vause went to Jakarta, Indonesia to investigate he found the allegations of the school being a madrassa was completely false.

CNN’s Vause stated “I came here to Obama’s elementary school in Jakarta looking for what some are calling an Islamic madrassa ... like the ones that teach hate and violence in Pakistan and Afghanistan. … I've been to those madrassa's in Pakistan ... this school is nothing like that. CNN interviewed the school's deputy headmaster, Hardi Priyono, who said: "This is a public school. We don't focus on religion."

Obama’s side has issued press releases saying the claims of these and other stories are completely false. Stories in the Washington Post, The L. A. Times and the Chicago Tribune has also investigated these claims and found them to be baseless.

Obama’s childhood in Indonesia is nothing he has ever tried to hide. He documents this in his own book “Dreams from My Father.”

Here are a few other false claims that have been circulating in my e-mails since Obama decided to run for president.

False: Obama was sworn into office using the Koran instead of the Bible. This e-mail states: "when he was sworn into office he DID NOT use the Holy Bible, but instead the Koran" When Obama was sworn into office in the U.S. Senate, he used his own Bible. This claim confuses Obama with House member Keith Ellison who is Muslim and did use a Koran to be sworn in.

False: Obama doesn’t say the pledge nor will he show any reverence for our flag" and that "while others place their hands over their hearts, Obama turns his back to the flag and slouches." These e-mails usually come with a photo that was taken during a "steak-fry" for Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa on Sept. 16, 2007. What is pictured is the singing of the national anthem, not a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. For proof, there is a video taken by ABC News during the event. There is no requirement to hold your hand over your heart for the National Anthem.

By going on the internet you can usually disprove any of these lies with less trouble than it takes to forward them to all your contacts. I find it very disappointing that when you have a candidate that you can’t find any real faults with, that you have to lie to try and discourage people from voting for him.
Just remember a vote for McCain come November means 100 years in Iraq, more big business control of congress, and more of the same ole same ole in Washington. It is time to sweep out the old and bring in the new, Democrat and Republican alike.

Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

This week Mike Chavers will be Talking Politics on WTAN 1340 am

This week Mike Chavers will be Talking Politics on WTAN 1340 am

This week Mike Chavers will be talking politics on WTAN 1340 Tuesday Night February 19th 2008 at 11:59pm with the station host Jonathan Sands, and democratic candidate for the 10th U.S. Congressional District in Florida Samm Simpson.

Jonathan Sands web site

You can listen or call in and comment or listen to it on the radio or internet or check it out Wednesday at their website.

If you are tired of politics as usual and want some real change, turn off the TV find out who your elected officials are and what they stand for. If you need help in finding your elected officials just drop me an email and I will help.

Remember that we will only have a Constitutional Democracy with an educated, informed, and involved populace. Otherwise you will get Big Brother taking away your rights one at a time until you wake up one day and your choices are all gone.

Read articles by Mike Chavers and many other writers at OpEd News.

Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Our Commander in Thief is rarely articulate unless the boogey man of terror pops his head out of the hole like a Whack-a-Mole game and scares the hell out of George.

Well the whacky terrorists are terrorizing George again, and George wants to protect us from the terrorists, who want to take away our freedoms by not leaving any freedoms to take away, therefore defeating the terrorists by making the USA a fascist state. Long live the king!!!!

George tells congress yesterday, that you better let him take charge of your constitutional protections against unreasonable search and seizure, because them folks over there are coming over here, and they hate your freedom so let’s just ignore this G#D@MN piece of paper and go getem. He actually said “terrorists are planning attacks on our country that will make September 11th pale by comparison.”

You know George, too bad you didn’t take the warning that the Clinton administration handed you, before September 11th 2001, when we had information got by legal means without dismembering the constitution.

Nobody questions the fact that al-Queda would like nothing more than another 9/11 so why don’t you invest more in guarding our nuclear & chemical facilities and do more to protect our ports. NOOOOOO you just want to deliver us from our constitutional protections against the likes of you and your cable of cretins.

We as Americans don’t want to trade away our hard-won civil liberties and there is nothing wrong with having judges decide what needs to be wiretapped when it involves Americans.

Ole Georgie boy wants to extend for six more years the broad eavesdropping powers that the fearful congress gave him last August. Which they legalized the illegal wiretapping that the administration had already been conducting for years on George’s say so. He would also grant amnesty to phone companies that broke the law in giving up this information.

It is a shame that the Senate including 19 of the new political party that was formed in 2006 called the Fraiddycrats, Democrats fearful of standing up to Bush and company.

Now let’s get it straight, when judicial oversight is reduced, government agencies spying inevitably extends beyond national security threats to political opponents, journalists, protesters and anybody that bothers Bush / Cheney so don’t just look at the empty suit that says trust me and I will keep you safe from terror.

It should be easy to scare even the right from passing this flawed legislation. It is more than likely that a Democrat will have the power to look at anyone without judicial revue. Get real scared boys because it might just be Hillary looking into your pageboy or restroom antics or maybe the bags of money hidden in secret locations that might be leaked over a loose phone conversation or email. YIKES!!! Everyone be afraid be very afraid. If I where you Monica I would get the hell out of Dodge and head to Katmandu.

Before the illegal wire tapping began all that was required was that if one end of the conversation was in the USA it required a warrant within 3 days from the special FISA court, which by the way approved more than 99% of all the applications applied for.

George warns us that if the righteous phone companies don’t get immunity, they’ll never cooperate again but the patriotic SOB’s will shut down your national security if you don’t pay the bill on time.

Bush says he will refuse to temporarily extend the current law, which expires on Saturday. I say let it die and get a warrant if you need to spy on someone in the USA. That’s what the founders would have wanted and I agree.

Remember a patriot and founder of this country once said “Those who would give up ESSENTIAL LIBERTY to purchase a little TEMPORARY SAFETY, deserve neither LIBERTY nor SAFETY.”

Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity.

Friday, February 8, 2008

The right wing smear machine says Obama is a Muslim so they must be right!!!

The right wing smear machine says Obama is a Muslim so they must be right!!!

My wife got a call from her son last night who told her that he would not support Barack Obama because he is a Muslim. WTF!!!!!! It amazes me how stupid the American public has become. Then again with the amount of people who tune into Rush O’Reilly, and Glenn Coultergeist and the like, really can’t be counted on to think for themselves.

Just to set the record straight when you hear a rumor about someone check it out. It is not hard just go on line and get the facts from several sources don’t just listen to Rush or Glenn and call it gospel. The rightwing nuts will lie, cheat, block people from voting and do anything to promote their crazy agenda.

He has been called a Muslim who attended a madrassa, he is accused of being a member of a church in Chicago that has a separatist doctrine that contradicts the basic tenets of Christianity, he has had to fend off baseless accusations of scandals, and the right mocks his name and his race.

The day after Obama announced his presidential exploratory committee the right wing website published an article that reported that Obama spent at least four years in a so Madrassa which is a Muslim seminary. You can read what they said here.

This is a lie and has been completely debunked by CNN, the AP and ABC but did it go away NOOOOOOOOO. The pudgy idiot Glenn Beck who often speaks when he should be listening or at least checking his facts reported that Obama attended a radical Muslim school.

Then as the discredited charges Obama’s association with the Islam began to fade the right began smearing the Christian Church in Chicago where Obama is a member. MSNBC own right winger Tucker Carlson during the Obameter segment on his show 2/07/07 criticized Obama for being a member of a church that Carlson claimed “sounds separatist to me and contradicts the basic tenets of Christianity”

The smear continued on the Hannity & Colmes opinion show on 2/28/07 with Hannity said that many call Trinity separatist and a cult. His guest Erik Rush from the WorldNetDaily said the church has a scary doctrine, something that you’d see in a cult or an Aryan Brethren Church. Rush even questioned Obama’s Christianity on the show.

Similar smears were directed at Obama’s church on the 4/05/07 broadcast of KSFO’s Sussman, Morgan and Vic when Morgan said Obama’s proud to belong to a church that their allegiance goes to Africa before it goes to America. This is a complete fabrication.

Here is a web site to the church you decide. There is no statement that a commitment to Africa supercedes the commitment to America. In fact Trinity's pastor, Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., responded to the attacks, saying: "The African-centered point of view does not assume superiority, nor does it assume separatism. It assumes Africans speaking for themselves as subjects in history, not objects in history."

Hate mongers like Debbie Schlussel argues because Obama’s middle name is Hussein and that his late father was of Muslim descent Obama’s loyalties must be called into question. Others like Lee Rodgers KSFO’s morning show Fox Hews contributor Juan Williams question Obama’s loyalty because his father was Muslim.

I can remember back in the sixties that the crazies back then called Kennedy’s loyalty into question because he was a catholic and would have to obey the pope.

Now to be absolutely clear, Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian who attends the United Church of Christ in Chicago. It is well documented that the Indonesian school Obama attended in Jakarta is a public secular school that is not and has never been a Madrassa.

So to all you swiftboaters out there not all Americans are the stupid goose stepping morons you think we are, and we do check your lies and we are not going to be swiftboated again.

Your reign of terror is about to end. Your tactics of fear mongering and lying to the American people is about to be repudiated and we are going to send you all back to hide under the rocks you slid out from back in 2000.

Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Mr. & Mrs. Candidate, where is the America I grew up in and what will you do to get me back there.

I grew up in a family that came from real poverty. The son of a sharecropper in south Alabama, who moved North after serving in the army in WWII with the dream of making a good living so that his family wouldn’t have the lack of opportunity that he had when he grew up.

Dad got a job in a factory and then worked in construction building the Niagara Mohawk power plant in Niagara Falls N.Y. after the factory closed down, and when the Niagara Mohawk project was finished he landed a job working for General Motors in Buffalo until he retired.

All the while he bought a house and sent me to college and helped me raise my family and retired to Florida in 1984 the American Dream fulfilled.

Now as I view this country I say what the hell has happened on my watch. Man am I going to have a lot of explaining to do to my sons.

I have always believed that America was the good guy the John Wayne, who drove the evil out and replaced it with decency and virtue.

In the 21st century we are witnessing the death of the America the good guy. We must take a view of the world and with it America the good and bad then view it with truth and reality. We must decide who we are going to become and what course we will take.

The founders gave all the free men of the time the right to vote and in time we freed a race of people from the bonds of slavery and gave women the right to participate in this grand experiment of constitutional democracy.

In accepting this, we say we trust our elected representatives to listen to what we say and trust the people who elected them. The people are not to be coerced and intimidated to have the right to dissent or agree with what our politician’s platforms are and that every vote should count for something.

As the politics of greed and fear begin to darken the horizon of our Nation, we trust each other less than in any time I have seen in my life and trust less the principles upon which this nation was founded.

Where Kennedy said ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country we have been taken over by the corporate greedheads that could care less what happens to this country or its people.

Where we once dreamed beyond the boundaries of fear and diversity we now wall up communities to keep diversity out. Instead of being able to demonstrate and dissent the current administration fences in protests miles away from where they will be and arrests people who wear Tee shirt with a dissenting message against current policy.

We used to subscribe the separation of church and state and now the current administration gives a litmus test for any one wanting to become a federal judge or political appointee.

The America I grew up in saw John Wayne protecting the weak farmer from the powerful rancher who cut off his water, now we have W protecting the war profiteers with no bid contracts and sweetheart deals. We protect foreign dictators from their people striving to start labor unions for a better way of life for their families. This is not my America.

It is time to return to a time where John Wayne will protect that struggling farmer, to a time where people who work hard will reap the fruit of their labor and where people will work toward the betterment of the citizens and its government alike.

Some will have us fear Islam and tell us that the terrorists are coming to get us while we lie in our beds. This is nonsense, we of course must remain vigilant, but to buckle to fear by turning against the principles that made this country great is losing the war to terrorism.

We need not become the Orwellian state as presented in the novel 1984. That is losing the war on terror. We must insist that this and any future government follows the rule of law that was handed down by our founders who paid the cost in blood to protect our rights as Americans. The constitution is more than just a “G#DAMN PIECE OF PAPER.”

Let us do what Jesus did and throw the money changers out of the temple of peace and justice. Let us reclaim that American dream that no matter where you come from you can grow up to be what ever you want if you are willing to work hard be honest.

Let us find a way to enact universal healthcare for every citizen it is not impossible every industrial country in the world does it.

Let us hold fast to what our founder’s vision of democracy was. Refusing to surrender our liberty and privacy to the fear mongers that want to subjugate our people and install a totalitarian regime.

Let us make sure that we teach our children how to think not just take tests. Let us teach them how to have a democracy that is full of an involved and educated citizenry.

Let us take back control of the media and prevent the control of the internet from the few to the many and promote diversity of ideas and views it is what made this country great.

Let us take back the vote, making sure each vote is verifiable and accessible for every citizen without intimidation, phone jamming or any other tactics that have become standard practice in our elections to deny the people to vote.

Let us take back control of our government with campaign reform and an independent body that has the power to investigate and prosecute those in our government who would line their pockets with money and do the bidding of the rich and powerful to the detriment of the country.

Democrat, Republican, Liberal or Conservative, Green or Libertarian. Let this country unite and stand not for a political party or even a socio economic group. Let us stand for the Ideals that made America great in the first place. Let us return to that America.

Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity.

Monday, February 4, 2008

If you promise me somthing show me how you pay for it too!!!

We have a looming fiscal crisis standing in the room like the proverbial 800 pound gorilla. Between Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and all the other entitlement programs, defense programs and interest paid to those nice Chinese bankers who lend us the money, takes up probably 90 percent of the budget.

Not one candidate is telling us what they will cut in order to balance the budget. Clinton and Obama are promising universal health care and McCain is promising an occupation he is prepared to continue for 100 years in Iraq. They both want to add on a stimulus package of approximately $150 billion. Can anybody say reality check show me the money!!!!!

Now with the Fed cutting interest rates from 4.25 percent to 3 percent recently, this has sent the dollar sinking in value again which means higher oil prices and higher prices for any imports which we are now addicted too.

Now the Democrats say they are committed to withdrawing from Iraq none say that they are not leaving a large force in Iraq that we Americans will be paying for with money that will have to come from future generations.

The republicans however say they are committed for 100 years. After 7 years of major conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq we have a major strategic crisis. It will get worse if new conflicts arise with Iran, Pakistan, North Korea, and even Russia seems ready to have a go with another possible arms race.

Our military is stretched so thin I am wondering as should all you voters out there who will fight these wars??? Romeys boys won’t be in the fray and neither of the Bush twins has volunteered.

Hell they want to invade Iran and we can’t even stop the invasion of the United States by barefoot Hispanics storming in from south of the boarder. What is to be done about illegal immigration. No one will tell us what the plans are because they are afraid to lose the Hispanic vote. By the way can anyone tell me where the heck Hispania is anyway. I am still trying to find Causicaia on a map.

What is to happen to the middle class? I don’t know about the rest of you out there I am a wage slave and every year since W has taken office my real earnings have taken a downward turn and is now spiraling out of control like a Japanese Zero who just encountered a P38 during WWII.

Now candidates I am listening, and I am waiting for someone to step up and tell me how we are going to fund Social Security, Medicare, finance foreign aid and defend nations like Iraq that refuse to make the sacrifices needed politically to defend themselves?

The only rays of hope I see are that we do have a couple of guys that are speaking either the truth or offering hope. Both men have integrity and the support of a growing youth movement. On the dems side we have Obama, who is the candidate of hope. On the other side of the isle we have Ron Paul who is giving us a triple finger shot of truth. The rest of the field offer nothing but more of the Same Ole S#!T.

The choice is yours America.

Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity.