Monday, January 28, 2008

$300 Bucks holy crap what a windfall.

Holy crap these criminally insane knuckleheads, in positions of power, who really think that all of the American people are too stupid to see this ploy as kissing babies in an election year.

Three hundred dollars for each working man and woman WTF!!!! This is going to prevent a recession!!! Horse crap!!!

Bail out the predatory lenders?? What a great idea make sure the hedge fund managers get their cut. Oh that's right they already got theirs plus a hefty tax break too.

Here's the deal boys and girls. This is chicanery, tomfoolery and you're being hoodwinked again. The growing economic nightmare that is coming is not going to be solved by giving me $300 bucks.

I am not a sophisticated financial planner or economist but here it goes my attempt at the financial survival plan for the first decade of the 21st century.

If you don't have it in cash don't buy it!!!!

If your kids can't wear it, eat it, live in it, or learn from it, don't buy it!!!

If you are in a dead end low paying job, turn off American Idolatry, CSI, Survivor on The Moon, Nancy Grace, or anything that has to do with Britney Hilton, and go through the paper and find what kind of jobs are in demand that pay good and enroll in your local community college and train for that job instead of numbing your brain with mindless TV.

Pay off your credit card debt and tear up most of your cards!!!

If you are sending your children to college don't get a second mortgage send your child to community college then on to finish at a state school. Remember this was true in my days at school in the 60's and it is true today. If you want to get laid go to college if you want an education go to the library and read a book!!!

No matter what age you are the younger the better, don't depend on the government that is Social Security for your survival financial or otherwise. Start a retirement account now if you have an employer matching account take the full advantage of it, because the government has been taking all of the Social Security surpluses we have put into the treasury's front door since 1983 and sliding it out the back door to build Regan's star wars bullshit defense package and finance this Iraq debacle.

In 2017 or there a bouts all the baby boomers will all be drawing SSI and the fund will dip into the red again. Even though we put in enough money to cover our asses we the people let these blood sucking viper lawbreakers in congress siphon off our social security, for ear marks on bridges to nowhere, on other pork barreling, and endless war schemes.

Lastly we will not have a constitutional democracy with power to the people much longer unless we become an informed and involved citizenry. So wake up and smell the B#!!$#IT we have been getting, wake up your friends and family let's wake up America.

What ever candidate we send to the White House this year if they are telling you everything is great just go shopping, you better start hording caned beans and ammo.

The only way we are going to recover is to adapt a pay as your go policy with deficit reduction on top of that and it will not be painless. We must pay for the neo-con wars that they want your children to foot the bill for; we need to develop a sound trade policy that doesn't reward companies that ship jobs overseas, we must develop sound energy policies in public not like Dick "Head" Cheney behind closed doors with is oil corporation buddies. We must reexamine all of our trade treaties and keep only the ones that are good for America and not just good for big business.

Like I said before I am not an economist but I know that if your monitory system is flawed and your spending more than you take in you are going to be in trouble before too long. What we will need to get through this is sound economic reform and fiscal responsibility. Any candidates willing to talk truthfully about this let's hear it.

Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Protecting those War Profiteers oops!!! I mean Patriotic Phone Companies in the Global War on Terror

President Bush says he will veto any legislation that doesn’t give the Patriotic Phone Companies immunity for illegally spying on Americans. The phone companies are begging for immunity from breaking the law because they say they were only being patriotic and trying to help keep us safe.

In the FISA debate the phone company’s main legal argument on why they spied on Americans and should be exempted from lawsuits challenging the legality of warrantless spying on phone calls and emails is that they were helping the government as a patriotic duty in a time of crisis.

Well that is a bunch of B#LL$#IT. It is reported in CNN that the phone companies have cut off wire taps because the FBI was late on paying their bill. Now that is real patriotism.

The only thing that this so called war on terror has produced is dead and wounded Americans and super rich war profiteers. Since September 11th 2001 this country has enriched many American Corporations who milk our treasury dry.

Here is another site dedicated to exposing this.

The head ChickenHawks in this administration have made millions from the blood of our brave troops and the misery of Iraqi civilians. Dick “Head” Cheney for instance has never completely severed his ties to Halliburton and receives millions of dollars in deferred income and stock dividends with all the no bid contracts awarded his company.

Former Attorney General John Ashcroft now heads The Ashcroft Group; a consulting firm that helps companies win federal homeland security contracts. Former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge runs a consulting firm and advices Lucent Inc. Joe Allburgh was the head of FEMA and now runs New Bridge Strategies a unique company that was created specifically with the aim of assisting clients to take advantage of business opportunities in Iraq.

These and many other people from the Bush inner circle are traitors and have used the blood of America’s best for mega profitable business opportunities.

Bush said go shopping.

Where is the outrage?? Has any candidate commented on war profiteering?? Where is the leader with the courage to say, as Franklin D Roosevelt did during WWII “I don’t want to see a single war millionaire created in the United States as a result of this world disaster”.

Bush said go shopping.

Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Let’s get back to issues

The last several days are a good example of how to divide your base and let another rightwingnut win the presidency.

Alright children let’s put an end to name calling and who said what to whom. Let’s get back to issues. Tell us specifically what you are going to do for the USA and at least an outline of how you will accomplish it.

Granted both Clinton, Obama, and Edwards have voted for Bush’s war money you all screwed up big time ok!!! Both Clinton and Obama have ties to big money, OK how are we going to end the strangle hold that big money special interests have on our country??

How are going to restore constitutional checks and balances to restore the balance to the three co-equal branches of our government, so that we don’t repeat the mistake of letting a complete moron of a president lead America into another endless war??

How will you end partisan politics in your appointments so that we don’t have another unqualified jerk hired because he kissed enough A$$ “Heck of a job Brownie” when the next Katrina happens?

How will you end big media control of information going out to the American people??

What will you do to restore our foreign policy so that we don’t create more enemies than we can possibly kill in a lifetime?

What will you do to restore American jobs and end the huge deficit that has been created by these mindless war profiteering thugs in power now??

Quit the name calling and get back to the issues so that we don’t have to endure another 4 years of a Ghouliani, Huckabuck, or a sneering McCain or poster boy Romney.

Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Congress now has the chance to do nothing and make it count.

The Fourth Amendment

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

As we watch the primary races lets not take our eyes off the scoundrels that we have allowed to erode our constitutional rights one by one. As one of the worst congresses ever and some would argue that the 109th congress was the worst. I disagree because those scoundrels where the bad guys and we knew that. The 110th congress was elected to right the wrongs that the Bush / Cheney regime heaped on America and did little except wring their hands and say woe we don’t have the 60 votes.

Congress now has the chance to do nothing and make it count. On February 8th 2008 this abomination to our constitutional rights will expire. Last August 2007 the Protect America Act was rushed through congress legalizing executive branch domestic wiretapping without warrants.

It’s incredible that this was passed in the first place because this administration has been breaking FISA laws which require warrants to snoop on Americans and ignoring the 4th Amendment rights against unreasonable searches and seizures since February 2001 well before September 11th.

Congress reconvenes January 22nd 2008, Senate Majority leader Harry (hapless) Reid plans to bring an unacceptable bill S. 2248 to the Senate floor for a vote. This bill contains retroactive immunity for the poor misguided telecom companies who handed over the private communications of Americans to Bush / Cheney Company without being served warrants to do so.

It boggles my mind that even with the incredible mandate we gave congress in 2006 that they would even consider rubberstamping the shredding of our 4th amendment rights and give immunity retroactively to the Bush / Cheney administration and their Telecom pals.

There is however a Judiciary Committee version of this bill which contains 4th Amendment fixes and does not provide immunity to the telecom industry. This bill is subject to floor amendments that could weaken the bill. The president has promised a veto of the bill if it doesn’t grant immunity to the telecoms.

The best way to kill this abomination is to let it expire on its own because even King George W. can’t veto the natural expiration of a law.

Call your Senators and demand that congress restore 4th Amendment protections of Americans private communications and emails by letting the Protect America Act expire on February 8th 2008. Only if that fails should the Senate consider the Judiciary Committee version of S. 2248. There is no other reason to grant immunity to the Telecoms other than to protect the guilty and hide the truth from the American people.

Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity.